D9127U/T Lookup Tool

I found it difficult to remember the switch settings in my head. I could calculate the switch settings of a Zonex 1 or Zonex 2 loop on my fingers but there were some challenges. Bosch or more likely Radionics the prior owner of this technology chose to invert the on and off states and they chose to invert the bit order. They also chose to offset the decimal value by 8. Some of this makes sense to me and some of this doesn't.

I would often lookup the handy chart that is included in each part to check the switch settings. When I would look up this chart on the internet from my phone on Bosch's website it would link to a blank page. I would eventually find the chart on a site called manualslib.com however they restricted zooming in on the page. Just like the original document shipped with the part the print is too small for me to read.

There has to be a better way. Well, I decided to make an app. How do you make an app? Open BING and search for GOOGLE follow the link to GOOGLE and search for easiest way to make an app.

MIT App Inventor - Wow this is easy. So, I made an app. I was so proud. My friends were proud. My enemies were jealous. My customers were pleased. My co-workers NOT so much.

FRUIT the source of the first sin.

My app only ran on Android. :-(. Ok so that was how it went for a while. Finally, one of my co-workers asked me to make my app available for his fruit phone. I took the plunge. I drowned. The fruit company requires you to pay a yearly fee and has many other restrictions on getting your app Published. Not my cup of juice.

I guess I could write it in VBA to run in Excel. So I did. There are problems with apps that run in Excel. For one thing Excel is not an app environment. Every time you run the app it advises the user that the app could harm their computer and requires them to enable the app. Some systems restrict the use of macros and won't allow you to run the app at all. Excel is a powerful application that requires a lot of resources and a lot of time to load. Some versions of Excel won't run macros anyway, for instance the version on my phone.

This thing is a simple lookup table why is it so complicated? Why can't manufacturers realize that if they take the smallest font they can find and reduce its size several hundred percent that old people won’t be able to read their documents?

Try to read a MAC address on an appliance without a microscope.

How about a simple webpage. The app is not very complicated. I want to learn CSS (or do I). I am familiar with HTML. I know a little Java Script, VBA, VB, PHP, C. How hard can it be?

Actually not very hard at all. CSS Cascading Style Sheets was the most difficult concept for me to understand. Well about 20 hours later we have "D9127U/T Popit Lookup Tool".

What’s special about it? Well, I'm glad I asked. It works entirely in a browser. I tested it in many at many different resolutions and screen sizes. It is entirely self-contained. It runs entirely client side. It does not require a server to run. (The last two statements were written by our Department of Redundancy Department) It can be downloaded and run without a connection to the internet. (Smore redundancy)

Why doesn’t it have an icon. Google search recommends that I add a favorite.ico. Can't do so and keep the app entirely self-contained.

I welcome your comments or concerns. I can be contacted at info@wifld.com

Copyright (C) 2022 - Joseph Michael Kambourian - Some Rights Reserved